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  5. Zellulose-Tiefenfilterpatronen
  6. 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Activated Carbon Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Activated Carbon Series Filter Cartridge

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Cartridges contain activated carbon immobilised within the filter matrix and eliminate need for handling bulk powdered carbon.

Offered in a range of commercial activated carbons to match specific application requirements.

Different media porosities match changing fluid viscosities and particle loading.

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  • Cartridges contain activated carbon immobilised within the filter matrix and eliminate need for handling bulk powdered carbon
  • Offered in a range of commercial activated carbons to match specific application requirements
  • Different media porosities match changing fluid viscosities and particle loading
  • Cartridges can be paired with Zeta Plus™ SP Series filter cartridges or capsules to optimise filtration and purification performance over a broad range of fluid challenges
  • Full range of scalable filters enables predictable performance at every stage of drug development from early stage discovery to commercial production
  • BC25 Laboratory capsules, media discs and stainless housings are ideal for selecting the best media grade using low challenge fluid volume

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Activated Carbon Series Filter Cartridge is a depth filter with carbon for removing impurities, colour and particulates.

For media that’s made from a mixture of activated carbon, cellulose and a positively charged crosslinking polymer, use 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Activated Carbon Series Filter Cartridge.

There are a range of different carbons and porosities in the product range.

Our Zeta Plus™ Activated Carbon Series Filter cartridges are specifically designed for use in the manufacture of biopharmaceutical, vaccine, blood fractionation and small molecule API drug substances.

They’re manufactured to controls described in our Drug Master File on record with the FDA. Certificates of Quality are available with a Regulatory Support File.

A range of housings are available.

Vorgeschlagene Anwendungen
  • Verwendung für ein breites Anwendungsspektrum in der pharmazeutischen Herstellung



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